(Welling. Kent)
07919 356980
Lessons Guides
About these Lesson Guides
These ‘Lesson Guides’ are not lessons in themselves, they are to remind you how the tunes are played according to how you’ve been taught in your ‘one to one’ sessions. Once you’ve got it down feel free to experiment and be creative, and if it works make sure to play it to me. That’s what ‘making music’ is all about! IMPORTANT..It’s not about the tunes! Please remember, the tunes I have arranged below are simply a ‘frame work’ that contain especially selected techniques that will add greatly to your guitar playing ‘tool box’ no matter what style you normally enjoy playing. Practicing these techniques as part of a tune is more rewarding and educational than a stale repeating exercise! There are so many lessons and tunes so I’ll upload more when I get round to recording them or when you ask me to upload the lesson/exercise you are working on.
The most helpful tips I can give you…. (1) Learn five songs from start to finish is a great first big goal. (2) Spend time fixing your weak areas technically and musically. (3) Play something on the guitar every single day. Some don’t do’s (1) Hopping from song to song, never really committing to any single one. This often means struggling for months or years without any songs to show for it. (2) Never putting in the time in the early days to play with proper technique (which leads to bad habits later on). If this is you, I urge you to fix this as soon as you can. (3) Playing a guitar that is just not suitable for you.
“You can start with a dream, but you’ve got to be a doer”. Success doesn’t come to those who look for shortcuts or expect the path of least resistance. It comes to those that put the work in.
My Lesson Compositions
These are not professional recordings. All videos are recorded on a basic camcorder or mobile phone.
JE Music Lessons
07919 356980
Lessons Guides
About Lesson Guides
These ‘Lesson Guides’ are not lessons in themselves, they are to remind you how the tunes are played according to how you’ve been taught in your ‘one to one’ sessions. Feel free to experiment and be creative, and if it works make sure to play it to me. That’s what ‘making music’ is all about! IMPORTANT..It’s not about the tunes!Please remember, the tunes I have arranged below are simply a ‘frame work’ that contain especially selected techniques that will add greatly to your guitar playing ‘tool box’ no matter what style you normally enjoy playing. Practicing these techniques as part of a tune is more rewarding and educational than a stale repeating exercise!There are so many lessons and tunes so I’ll upload more when I get round to recording them or when you ask me to upload the lesson/exercise you are working on. J. Edwards - Guitar Instructor
The most helpful tips I can give you…. (1) Learn five songs from start to finish is a great first big goal. (2) Spend time fixing your weak areas technically and musically. (3) Play something on the guitar every single day. Some don’t do’s. (1) Hopping from song to song, never really committing to any single one. This often means struggling for months or years without any songs to show for it. (2) Never putting in the time in the early days to play with proper technique (which leads to bad habits later on). If this is you, I urge you to fix this as soon as you can. (3) Playing a guitar that is just not suitable for you.
“You can start with a dream, but you’ve got to be a doer”. Success doesn’t come to those who look for shortcuts or expect the path of least resistance. It comes to those that put the work in.
Lesson Guides
My Compositions
These are not professional recordings. All videos recorded on a basic camcorder or mobile phone.